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Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society

BCNSP Newcomer Services Proogram

About BC Newcomer Services Program (BCNSP)

BCNSP offers settlement and integration services to eligible clients in the city of Surrey and North Delta to support the social and economic integration of newcomers to the province who are not eligible for federal settlement services and face unique barriers and challenges to integration that necessitate settlement supports.

BCNSP-eligible clients are supported to navigate immigration processes, meet settlement needs, connect to the community, access labour market information and supports, and upgrade their English language proficiency where appropriate. The services are intended to help clients achieve their best possible settlement outcomes, which in turn benefits the broader community.

The service may be provided in person, on telephone or through email depending upon the level and extent service requested.

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Immigration and Settlement Services

Needs Assessment:

Through a detailed discussion and probing, the client needs are assessed to determine the extent and duration of the service requirement in which the person served is also encouraged to play an active role.

Information and orientation-one-on-one:

These services provide clients with information about service systems and society in BC, and become the foundation of their settlement in BC.

Information and orientation-Group:

Information and orientation sessions for eligible clients to disseminate knowledge on the following topics:

  • Migrant workers -their rights and responsibilities
  • Migrant workers- understanding the processes to successfully navigate to immigration
  • Workplace Culture, Rights and Responsibilities
  • Basic job Search Skills and Resume Writing
  • Employment Standards
  • Workplace Safety

Only those clients who are otherwise eligible to receive settlement services are eligible to participate in these workshops. The objective of this activity is to promote a contextual understanding of life in Canada, including laws, rights and responsibilities among the persons served.


Short term crisis/mental health counseling support is provided to all eligible clientele facing settlement issues in BC, and includes anything from navigation of basic needs in BC to issues regarding migration and transition. It may give the impression of providing clinical counselling, but it is not, as Settlement Counsellors are not trained to provide such service; clientele which requires any counselling in regards to emotional, mental or legal issues are referred to external resources.

Labour Market Services
  • Assistance to build and revise resumes, access federal/provincial services
  • Referrals to appropriate training and bridging programs
  • Information on the local job market and/or referral to Work BC
  • Connection to the job opportunities e.g. job fairs, job search sites and referrals to Work BC
  • Employment counseling and case management or referral to Work BC
  • Referrals to short term pre-employment and certificate courses to support job entry and retention.
  • Supported access to Work BC and other federal/provincial employment training or bridging programs where appropriate and eligible.
  • Supported access to appropriate enforcement authorities in the event of workplace safety, employment standards violation, and to IRCC for wok permit/immigration related issues.

Employment counseling will be provided to eligible clients in terms of help to make goal-oriented action plans and assistance will be provided to clients to navigate the process involving Employment Standards and WorkSafe BC and work permit issues.

Eligible clients will be connected with established professionals in the area of their chosen fields of employment they seek to pursue.

Naturalized citizens seeking to secure, improve or retain employment will be prioritized.

Community Connections

Eligible clientele and their families are provided with access to support from the existent long-term residents within their community, relevant events and other community resources. This helps in creating opportunities for newcomers to indulge in social and professional exchange with residents who have been in Canada for longer period, and perhaps, are well-acquainted with the process of settlement themselves. This program is delivered through a range of partnerships including service provider organizations, public institutions such as libraries, community recreation centres, employers and other local partners.

Informal Language Training for Adults

Informal job readiness group sessions that focus on not only improving the participants’ English language skills as it pertains to the workplace jargon, but also on specific skills like resume and cover letter writing, working on the computer, job search web sites, the importance of networking, and on Canadian work expectations. The curriculum will touch upon nine essential skills, i.e. reading, document use, numeracy, writing, oral communications. Students are also referred to further education options from short courses of a few days to longer education programs in the local educational institutions.

Eligibility Criteria

Immigration Status + Current resident of BC

  • Naturalized citizens
  • Provincial nominees who are awaiting their permanent residency approval (including provincial nominee candidates who are here in BC to implement a business plan)
  • Post-secondary international students
  • Temporary foreign workers

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