PICS Logo 2023
Progressive Intercultural Community Services (PICS) Society


Volunteer With Us!

Are you passionate about making a positive impact on your community? Do you come from a diverse cultural background? Join the PICS Intercultural Volunteer Program(IVH) and become a part of a vibrant community of volunteers dedicated to enhancing diversity, community engagement, and personal growth.

What is the PICS Intercultural Volunteer Hub (IVH) Program?

The PICS IVH Program is your gateway to diverse and enriching volunteering opportunities. We bring together volunteers from various cultural backgrounds to participate in initiatives that promote diversity, innovation, and skill development. Whether you’re seeking to contribute your talents, learn new skills, or connect with like-minded individuals, our program is is designed with you in mind.

young volunteers coming together for community

Why Choose Volunteering?

Embrace the myriad of benefits that volunteering with PICS offers:

  • Explore Your Passion: Gain hands-on experience in your field of interest while making meaningful connections within the industry.
  • Try a New Path: Test the waters of a potential career without a long-term commitment, allowing you to expand your horizons.
  • Develop Marketable Skills: Acquire valuable job skills and gain practical Canadian work experience, enhancing your employability.
  • Leverage Existing Skills: Put your existing skills to use and discover how they can bring value to employers in a new context.

What’s in Store for You?

Upon enrolling in the PICS IVH Program you’ll receive range of services to enrich your volunteering experience:

  • Future References: Secure valuable references for future job positions based on your dedicated volunteer work.
  • Volunteer Certificate: Receive recognition for your efforts through an official volunteer certificate.
  • Diverse Placements: Explore multiple volunteer placements that align with your skills and interests.
  • Skill Enhancement: Develop new skills and apply your existing ones while contributing to meaningful projects.

Our Offerings:

  • Tailored Training: We provide customized training certificates for different skill levels (Levels 1, 2, 3, & 4).
  • Perfect Placements: Find placements suited to your qualifications through our comprehensive assessment process.
  • Real-world Experience: Gain practical experience that bridges the gap between theory and real-life application.
  • Flexibility: Enjoy the convenience of flexible time commitments that fit your schedule.
  • Guidance: Receive directions for various positions to ensure you excel in your volunteering role.

    How to Join?

    Getting started with the PICS Volunteer Program is easy:

    1. Apply Online: Visit to submit your application.
    2. Interview & Assessment: After receiving your application, we’ll reach out for an interview and assessment to understand your preferences and strengths.
    3. Tailored Match: Based on your profile, we’ll find perfect volunteer opportunity for the you and the organization.

    Make a difference in your community, gain new skills, and connect with a diverse network of volunteers through the PICS Intercultural Volunteer Program. Your journey to meaningful impact starts here!

      IVH Digital Flyer pdf pdf

      Get Started Today

      Join the PICS Intercultural Volunteer Program today and embark on a journey of meaningful contributions and personal growth!